L-cut and V-cut Drills
Tactical Problem:  Get away from defender to receive pass.

Skill Development:  V-cut and L-cut 

Teaching points: -sharp, fast change of direction(cut)
                            -put out hand as target and yell ball

            V-cut                                  L-cut
-cut back towards passer     -fake one direction
                                           -cut 90 degrees in other

Organizational Points: 
1)  L-Cut
-go with 2V2 teammate to half of Euroball area
-#1's pass and #2's perform L-cuts, then switch every 5 attempts.  Cut both left and right.
-groups come together and 2 are passive defenders, one marking the ball and other marking the cutter.  Switch roles every 10 tries.

2) V-Cut
-same as L-Cut Drill
-add in V-cut
-defenders become active

-beanbags or basketballs
-increase or decrease square size
-active defender (extension)